Location: Australia

I am a Registered Nurse with 2 children, both under 6 and a wonderful husband.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Bits and pieces

Today I reached nearly 2000 words with my assignment. I am almost to the top of that hill - one gigantic steep hill, and the last part is the steepest as to get myself started, I did the easy bits first :(. But it is almost done.

I was helping R put some new barbie clothes onto her barbie dolls yesterday. PAC kept coming into R's room, picking something up and taking it out. Sometimes he returned with that something, and sometimes he didn't. He kept doing this, and as I was busy with R, I didn't bother too much with him - thinking we would be doing a bit of picking up afterwards. What a shock I got. Came back to the lounge room to find a huge mess. P had taken all 100 of R's texters, pulled the lids off, and dumped them all over the lounge. He managed to get hold of his tissue box and pull out all the tissues and rip some to shreds, and what nappies he could reach were now on the floor also. He has done this before when I closed the bathroom door to have a shower without him trying to get in with me - silly me forgot that though. It was funny, really (at least it wasn't flour ;P).

Finished my online application for a graduate nurse position last night. I found a spelling mistake late in the day, and logged back in to change it. It accepted the change, but just after I clicked submit, I got a message saying the applications had closed at 5pm yesterday - well this was at 10pm last night :O! Today I tried to log in, and this time got a message on the log-in screen saying it was closed, so I am hoping the change worked, as I got alot further along than I did today. Actually, I don't hold alot of hope for a grad position - they only have 8, and anyone who missed out on one at the end of the year can apply, plus it is open to anyone in the state, not just Townsville - that is the end of my looking on the down side though, I still applied (gotta be in it to win it). Never did sort out my referee problem though :( hope that doesn't end up working against me.

I think that is it - I have an assignment to get back to.


Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Well, I'm in the same boat and can *SO* relate to those messes, groan.

I hope your application is processed and accepted okay. That would be nice to hear some good news.

Good luck and keep on working. You'll make it!

9:46 pm  

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