Location: Australia

I am a Registered Nurse with 2 children, both under 6 and a wonderful husband.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Aaand posting once per week again....

I finished my Research Assignment last Thursday, as per the new due date. I had finished it by the Tuesday, but wanted to have another look on the Thursday to make sure I hadn't missed anything. By the Thursday, I was sooo not caring about that assignment, that I handed it in how it looked on Tuesday. So, that's just how it is sometimes.

My final assignment is due Tuesday 26th April. With that assignment, the 'I don't care factor' rose high, and rose high quickly. Part of the problem was knowing that I did so well on my other assignment, that I don't have to pass this assignment to pass the subject - a pass in the exam will do that, and you have to pass the exam to pass this subject anyway. So there is a real feeling that the end is near - which is both exciting and scary.

My husband goes away on Tuesday. Actually, he goes away on Wednesday, but they are keeping them on base on Tuesday night for some unknown reason. I can't even take the kids to see him Tuesday night - they will be in lockdown mode. That means they can't even visit the bars/messes on base - how stupid is that. So he will be gone until 20th May (but hopefully they pack up their toys and come home sooner than that). He is then home for about 2-3 weeks, followed by another exercise where he will be gone for R's birthday.

And the latest knews about the RAAF transfer news! We have now been told the people who make the decision about the transfers won't be meeting until July. What a load of crap! He could have walked in off the street and been in quicker than that. By 8th August, we will have had that application in for 1 year. How shitty is that. I have asked my husband to withdraw the application and discharge, but he is still keen to see if the transfer will go through. If the transfer doesn't go through, he will put in his discharge, along with a posting application to South Australia. If the posting application is knocked back, the discharge process has already started. Now that I will be finished studying, it won't matter if and when we move, as long as something happens.

So now we move on to my final week at University. I am remaining positive that this will be the final week, except for my 2 exams. I do not intend to fail at this late stage (I will be extremely upset with myself if I do).

Hey - I even left my Syberia game half finished to concentrate on this semester :P. That says something!!

That's it. Who knows, I may even get to post more during my placement, if anything interesting happens.

*pokes tongue out at hubby who has to be up at 4am for dawn ANZAC day services*


Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Wow, how great is that? You're almost ready to hand in your last assignment. We are talking days now :P Yipeee!!!

Your hubby already been up for an hour as I write this. Yuck! Best Wishes for the month being single mum with kids! As I know, it's "hard work".

Hugs sent to all and /wave

5:06 am  
Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

I seriously didnt know u had a military husband! Must be hard. Well wishes to him and you.

Assignments: oh yeah, I know that feeling. THe just "DONT CARE" after bloody how many days on it. Last week had to big 5AMmers. At that stage, just throw it in a stapler and hope something good comes out.

11:04 pm  

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