Location: Australia

I am a Registered Nurse with 2 children, both under 6 and a wonderful husband.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Day five - Mental Health Placement

K went home today. She was not happy about it, but the MH unit felt there was not anything they could do for her. They have given her the breathing techniques, set up supports and counsellors in the community - now the rest is up to her. She gave me a carnation before she left, which was very nice.

This evening was a bit haphazard. We admitted a new patient into the bed K had just vacated. In fact, this client had been sitting in the foyer for a few hours, waiting for K to leave and for us to redo her room. So it was quite interesting that one client had arrived hours before the other had left. But it was like that all over the ward. They were discharging a heap of clients and also had a heap of admissions waiting in the wings. So the night seemed to be full of paperwork for both the discharges and admissions.

My Husband and 2 children came for tea with me at work tonight. I only get 30mins, so that went VERY quickly. I think if we did that again, I would have him get tea beforehand, to save time getting it after my 30mins starts.

It was nice having tea with them, but R got a bit clingy towards the end, and PAC wanted to be held as we were walking back towards the MH unit. So I was holding PAC in one arm, and holding R's hand all the way back to the car. R then got upset that I wasn't coming home, and I think I got a taste of what it is like for the clients who have their children visit and leave :-(. But I still got to come home at the end of the night - they don't.

It was still interesting tonight, even with all of the paperwork.

End Day 5, now for the weekend.


Blogger Toria/Deb said...

Awwww, yes it is hard on the kids to not have Mum there when they want her there. But yes, you *are* lucky to be able to go home to the home that holds your family each night. At times, I swear my family helps me keep my sanity, honestly. At other times, they make me want to tear my hair by the roots and beat on my chest like a mad woman but somehow I hold it all together. I think I'm sane enough to say I'm a tiny bit crazy at times LOL. Don't know if that really does make sense ha ha ha but you hopefully understand me.

*HUGS* and I hope your second week isn't too long and/or bad for you. Good luck and enjoy the weekend with your family :)

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