Location: Australia

I am a Registered Nurse with 2 children, both under 6 and a wonderful husband.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Sick little boy

Today we found out our son is allergic to Penicillin.

He has had a throat infection which we were given antibiotics for a few days ago. Well on Monday, he had a slight rash, which turned into a large rash on Tuesday. I was treating him with anti-histamine and trying to figure out what was new in his diet/lifestyle that could have caused this rash.

It was a process of elimination. No new laundry liquid, soap, food, clothes, wipes, nappies or anything else we could think of - that was except for the antibiotics.

On Tuesday I tried to get into a Doctor - no such luck as it was a public holiday here. As my son was not crying, lethargic and was moving freely (ie. no neck stiffness) I was happy to wait another day, but I decided to cease the antibiotics. So, once again, I gave him some anti-histamine and took him to the Doctor today (Wednesday).

Well, it was as we thought. He is allergic to Penicillin and we must make sure he and anyone who treats him in the future is aware of this.

For anyone who does not know, an allergic reaction is the body having a 'hypersensitivity reaction' to a substance. The first time the body is exposed to such a substance, there may not be any signs and symptoms as the body may only create the antibodies to fight against the substance after the first exposure. With any subsequent exposures, the hypersensitivity reaction gets worse and worse each time until finally the reaction will be what is called an anaphylactic reaction. We wouldnt want things to go that far.

Sometimes a woman who is Rh-negative can have a Rh-positive baby once without any ill effects, but any subsequent Rh-positive babies will be at risk, as the mother's body has created antibodies against the Rh-factor and tries to destroy it - and unfortunately the baby with it. Fortunately, in this day and age, we have tests and can minimise or remove the antibody effect of this for mother and baby. Unfortunately, there is nothing for people who are allergic to Penicillin.

But we have found out, and at a young age. Now it is up to us to make sure he does not have the chance to have a higher-hypersensitivity reaction to Penicillin in the future.


Blogger Toria/Deb said...

(((((((Hugs for all of you there))))) and thank goodness you found out when you did. Yes, it will be a long road for him through his life having to remind every time "Allergic to Pencillin". But armed with this knowledge, you can prevent a tragedy. Tim, my husband, found out he's allergic to sulfa drugs. Thank goodness it was only a rash as well that alerted us and then the doctor to his allergy. The consequences of a anaphylatic attack are just too chilling to even think about *as I shudder*. My hugs to your darling son.

3:49 am  

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